English has fast become the most widely used
language in the world of trade and commerce over the past decade or two. As a
result, having an excellent knowledge of English for business has become vital
for success in any employee's career. ... English is being used as the official
language in over 70 countries.
Around 750 million people are believed to speak English as a foreign language.
Due to the fact that Business English is so widespread, companies require
increasing numbers of their middle and senior level employees to have knowledge
of this language.
Business English refers to the particular communication skills used in the
workplace, and focuses on the language and skills needed for typical business
communication such as presentations, negotiations, meetings, small talk,
socializing, correspondence and report writing. The key is accuracy combined
with a systematic approach.
Around the world
Other languages to consider when looking at being international -
- for Europe it would be French / German
- for a large part of Eastern Europe and the Middle East - Russian
- in the Far East (and in the HiTec world) Japanese / Chinese
- whereas for Latin American countries it would be Spanish / portugese.